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WebReinventCMS module offers great flexibility and ease of use for creating structured content. It allows you to create content types (E.g pages, blogs), navigation menus, and blocks of repetitive content. Every content type has its own structure which represents how the content will appear on screen. Content structure consists of content fields and content fields groups which are the basic blocks which form structure.

WebReinventFAQ module enables administrators to create frequently asked questions and answers, which can be easily displayed in any section of the website. Save the time of your customers by providing them with the best possible answer to their questions in their quick view.

SaaS - Multi-Tenancy
WebReinventVaahSaaS is an exciting module for multi-tenancy SaaS product development with VaahCMS. In the VaahSaaS module, you can configure multiple MySql servers and each server can host multiple tenant's database. From the backend of VaahSaaS, business owners can manage all of their customers, MySQL server, tenant configuration, etc. Use VaahSaas and get necessary features required to develop SaaS product without any restrictions.